New Group Starting Soon: Join Wise Hearts for Wild Times, a three month meditation intensive!

Meditation & Mindfulness

Meditation & Mindfulness

A meditative scene of the full moon and clouds.

Discover a Deeper Sense of Presence

Meditation and mindfulness can offer a reliable compass as we search for our own true north. Below, you’ll find more information on weekly meditation groups, free resources, and more!

To receive updates on my offerings, please subscribe to my newsletter.

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A meditative scene of the full moon and clouds.
The Buddha with pink rose petals in lap.

Weekly Women’s Sangha

Join a weekly meditation group for all people who self-identify as women.

Are you looking for a heart-centered space for self care? The Women’s Sangha is an intimate and supportive community that meets for a 30-minute guided meditation, a short Dharma talk, and time together for connection. We meet weekly on Mondays from 7:00-8:30 pm PST on Zoom. To receive our Zoom link and email updates, please sign up using the link below. This sitting group is supported by San Francisco Insight. 

Join Our Community
Portrait of Juliana Sloane who is a hypnotherapist and meditation teacher.

Work With Me

Whether you are just starting to explore meditation or are a seasoned practitioner, having support for your practice can be a source of deep refuge. I work one-on-one with meditators looking for personal Dharma Mentorship and meditation support.

Contact Me
Portrait of Juliana Sloane who is a hypnotherapist and meditation teacher.
Starting Soon: Join Wise Hearts for Wild Times – a three month meditation immersion!